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About us

Mobile Vikings is a social mobile operator that does not duplicate patterns. Do you have a rebellious soul? With us, set course for freedom! Paddle your own canoe, do not be a cog in a machine! Row with a tight-knit team, in the same direction. Without dress code, with distance to yourself and to the world. And all this: with the Viking community in mind. Thanks to them, you will catch new wind in your sails. Do you want to co-create network of people, not numbers? Jump on board!

  • Product Owner

    Zostań Product Ownerem w Mobile Vikings! Prowadź innowacje, pracuj z pasją w duchu Agile. Dołącz do naszej rewolucyjnej załogi.
    Wrocław, Praca Hybrydowa.

    See details
  • Python Developer

    praca zdalna / hybrydowa

    See details